

I hope you find these links useful, cheers! :)

Week 01

Beginner’s Guide to Linux

A beginner’s guide to Linux. It explains what Linux is, what its differences are to Windows and macOS, what a Command Line is, and many more.

Awk Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

A guide for beginners to learn how to use Awk. As someone who is new to Linux, I find the website to be easy to follow.

Shell Scripting Tutorial

The tutorial explains the basic of shell script programming. It provides the background theories complete with their examples.

Learn Shell

An interactive website to learn shell programming. Each chapter has its own exercise where we have to code. There is no better way to learn programming other than programming.

Sed Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

A guide for beginners to learn how to use Sed. It helps beginners (like me) in understanding the cryptic syntax of Sed.

Week 02

C Programming Language

Complete C language guide explaining from the basics to the advanced. I personally think this website is awesome to learn C. The pages are clean to look, and each explanation has its own examples making it easier for us to learn.

C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution

The website provides C exercises complete with their solutions. An editor is provided so you can check whether you got the correct output. The page looks dated but it has hundreds of exercises.


Another website that provides C exercises and their solutions. The website looks more modern than the previous one, but it has less exercises. Still, I think it’s enough to learn the basics of C.

Week 03


Documentation for FUSE.

Understanding mount as a concept in the OS

Explains the basic about mount as a concept in the Operating System.

Why do we need to mount on linux

Explains why we need to mount on Linux.

Week 04

Little Endian vs Big Endian

Explains the differences between little endian vs big endian, and why little endian is preferred over big endian despite being harder to read (by humans).

Week 05

Virtual Memory in OS

Explains the basics of Virtual Memory.

Week 06

Operating System processes

Basic explanation of processes in OS.

Threads and Concurrency

Detailed explanation of Threads and Concurrency. Several mechanisms related to them are explained. The page also explains about deadlocks, a situation where two or more competing threads are waiting on each other to complete, but none of them ever do.

Week 07

Introduction of Process Synchronization

Basic explanation of Process Synchronization. The site provides more detailed explanation on the following sections.

OS Process Synhcronization Introduction

Another introduction to Process Synchronization. The following parts differ from the previous site I linked.

Week 08

LFS Explained

Linux From Scratch right from the source!

Week 09

Storage Structure in OS

Basic explanation of Storage Structure in Operating Systems.

Mass-Storage Structure

A detailed explanation of Mass-Storage Structure.